Sylvia 70

We celebrate Sylvia's 70th birthday with a trip. These are the last days our Museum Card is valid, so we decide to visit a museum in the Netherlands as well.

Via the empty Groningen roads, ...

... we reach the MuzeeAquarium in Delfzijl. As the name suggests, a combination of museum and aquarium (in an old bunker with constant temperature) with seahorses as a special attraction. They turn out not to be as numerous as we had hoped and it is not allowed to photograph them. But there are plenty of other interesting things to see. 

Right next to the museum is a camper site and the hotel-restaurant Eemshotel, built on stilts that are firmly grounded in the Wadden Sea floor. From the hotel one has a stunning view. Ernst once had a meeting with his radio club there.

But we decide to drive a few kilometres further for the birthday dinner to restaurant Eemshaven in Losdorp where one also can stay overnight with the camper van. With salmon from the oven and a chocolate grand dessert, it becomes a delicious meal.

At the MuzeeAquarium, we picked up a leaflet from the war museum in Middelstum. Only open a few days a year but coincidentally this weekend. So the next day we set off for Middelstum.










It turns out to be a very interesting museum, the work of one person, Ties Groenewold.
Ties turns out to be a very entertaining speaker, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of relevant history. The emphasis is on local Groningen history. Little did we know that inundation also took place in Groningen during the Second World War and what huge impact it had on the population and the economy.

Hanging in the museum are, among other things, two so-called liberation skirts, made from old rags. One from right after the Second World War; the other was made during the Corona pandemic.


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